About a year ago, something indispensable took root. The idea for ConservaTruth sparked to life, born from a simple blog that ignited a much-needed conversation. It started with me, Michelle Luft, sitting at my desk, watching our SC Republican-majority General Assembly pass yet another bad law. The frustration was real. But more than that, it was alarming for anyone who cherishes their constitutional freedoms. I watched as the very people elected to serve, who were supposed to protect the Constitution no matter what, instead turned their backs on those who put them in office. The disregard wasn’t subtle—it was glaring.

You can learn more about the Association and PAC by visiting our website at ConservaTruth.com.

So from here on out, you’ll notice I’ll be saying “we.” Because ConservaTruth isn’t about “I.” It’s about all of us—the people who stand behind it, the members who support it, and the citizens we’re committed to informing.

The Unwavering Mission of ConservaTruth

The mission of ConservaTruth is unwavering—to ensure that State and Local elected officials honor their commitment to conservative principles as outlined in the Constitution—as it is written, not as it is interpreted to serve an agenda. Our advocacy focuses on limited taxation, the preservation of personal freedoms, a thriving free marketplace, and the defense of limited government. At ConservaTruth, we are relentless in holding officials accountable, ensuring their actions reflect the original intent of the Constitution—the bedrock of our government and society.

Before ConservaTruth—A Void of Accountability

Before ConservaTruth, South Carolinians often reached out to their legislators, hoping for clear answers about what a bill actually meant. They’d ask for clarifications, updates, or insight into any changes. The result? Silence, or vague responses that left them no closer to understanding why we needed another law. And honestly, why wouldn’t it be that way? The legislative process in South Carolina is notoriously opaque, and trying to uncover what’s really happening at the Statehouse feels impossible. Once a bill starts moving, it’s too concealed and too fast for the average constituent to follow. Bills are altered, amended, and passed into law without the public ever knowing what was changed—or what actually became law. Hardworking South Carolinians remain in the dark, unaware of the decisions being made that slowly strip away their freedoms.

That’s where ConservaTruth steps in. We exist to bring clarity to what’s deliberately being obscured. A prime example? For years, South Carolinians have been led to believe that the leaders of the House or Senate are solely responsible for pushing bills through the legislative process. Sure, that’s marginally true, but it’s far from the full story. The real power lies in the hands of factions—think tanks, corporate lobbyists, lawyer groups, special interest organizations, and anyone else with enough money and influence to back a bill. These are the forces greasing the wheels, ensuring bills move and get passed, often out of sight of the very people they affect.

Why Does This Matters?

It’s simple. When you cast your vote, you’re electing someone who you believe will represent you and defend your constitutional rights without compromise. That’s what you expect, isn’t it? But here’s the harsh reality—most of these elected officials aren’t writing or even reading the bills they’re voting on. They’re certainly not thinking about how these bills will impact your rights. Instead, they’re parroting the same tired narrative, pretending it’s about what’s “best” for you. But it’s not. The only question that matters, the one they should be asking, is whether that bill is constitutional. That’s it.

Want proof? Look no further than the SC Code of Laws. It’s a minefield of bills that chip away at your constitutional rights. Legislators have turned lawmaking into an industry. More laws don’t mean better governance—they mean bigger government. That’s why ConservaTruth is committed to shining a light on this obsession with passing more and more legislation. Our goal is simple—for WE THE PEOPLE to demand that the General Assembly returns to its true role—defending constitutional rights, not the interests of factions.

Our founders saw this coming, didn’t they?

Who Are the Writers?

We’re a small, committed team supported by the ConservaTruth board and a few dedicated officers. As for the writing, that comes from Meg Johnson and me, Michelle. We’re the ones behind most of the ConservaTruth articles, and we also serve as the legislative watchdog team. What makes us qualified for this? When we say we’re experts, it’s not just because of formal education—though, yes, we’ve got that covered—it’s because we’ve spent years paying attention to the objective truth right in front of us. Meg alone brings over 50 years of experience! With this robust experience and the guidance of our board, along with the support of our members and followers, we’re here to share what we’ve learned and ensure you stay informed.

Once again, please visit our website is brimming with valuable information. It’s a real powerhouse, explaining our platforms in detail.

What We’ve Accomplished So Far

Let’s talk wins. We’ve had so many that we could go on and on. Our dedicated team has grown our membership, expanded our email list (and yes, it’s growing fast!), and built a strong following on social media. We’ve reviewed hundreds—literally hundreds—of bills, combing through each one, line by line, to ensure they align with conservative principles. We’ve produced detailed bill analyses, written informative articles, and sent out weekly updates. But the biggest win of all? We’ve alerted South Carolinians to dangerous bills and, helped to stop them right in their tracks.

Take a look at our “SC Legislation” section to review the numerous bill analyses we’ve produced—each designed to provide you with the clarity that’s too often missing in the legislative process.

But that’s not all. We’ve educated people to the point where they’re now confident in having substantive conversations. And here’s the best part—these conversations often leave legislators stumped, especially when it comes to the details of the bills they’re supposed to know so much about. That’s a win you can’t ignore.

The Journey Ahead

And great news! We’re just getting started. We’re positioning ourselves to do even more. With our deep knowledge as South Carolina’s legislative watchdog, we’re now faster, more efficient, and more determined than ever.

We Need Your Help

Here’s the truth—we can’t do this alone. We need more South Carolinians to stand with us as members. Asking for financial support isn’t something we take lightly, but it’s essential for expanding our reach and continuing the work that matters. A membership contribution of $149 a year makes a meaningful difference in helping us protect our freedoms. If that’s too much right now, even a donation to our PAC helps. The PAC operates separately from ConservaTruth and plays a crucial role in supporting candidates who genuinely uphold conservative principles and will fight to defend the Constitution.

And if you’re not in a position to help financially, don’t worry—you can still support us. Volunteering or simply sharing our platform and articles helps us more than you might think.

Our Heartfelt Thanks

As we come to a close, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude. Your support is the driving force behind everything we do. You are the heart and soul of ConservaTruth, and without you, none of this would be possible. Together, we’re building something extraordinary, and we can promise you, the journey ahead is filled with even greater things. So, thank you for standing with us. The best is yet to come, and we’re just getting started.


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